Everything You Need to Know About Obtaining an FSSAI License for Your Food Delivery App

As the food delivery industry experiences unprecedented growth, ensuring compliance with food safety standards is more critical than ever. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plays a crucial role in regulating food safety and hygiene across the country. If you are running a food delivery app, obtaining an FSSAI license is not just a legal requirement but also a mark of credibility and trust. Here is a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about obtaining an FSSAI license for your food delivery app.

Why an FSSAI License is Essential for Food Delivery Apps

Ensures Food Safety and Quality
An FSSAI license guarantees that the food delivered meets stringent safety and quality standards, protecting consumers from foodborne illnesses and ensuring the reliability of your service.

Legal Compliance
Operating without an FSSAI license is illegal. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including fines and business closure. An FSSAI license ensures you operate within the legal framework.

Builds Trust and Credibility
Having an FSSAI license enhances your app’s reputation and builds consumer trust. It signals that your business adheres to high food safety and hygiene standards.

Facilitates Market Expansion
An FSSAI license is often required for partnerships with restaurants and for expanding your operations across different states, as it is recognized nationwide.

Types of FSSAI Licenses

Depending on the size and turnover of your food delivery business, you may need one of the following licenses:

1. Basic FSSAI Registration
– *For:* Small-scale food businesses with an annual turnover of up to INR 12 lakhs.
– *Validity:* 1-5 years.

2. State FSSAI License
– *For:* Medium-scale food businesses with an annual turnover between INR 12 lakhs and INR 20 crores.
– *Validity:* 1-5 years.

3. Central FSSAI License
– *For:* Large-scale food businesses with an annual turnover exceeding INR 20 crores, or businesses operating in multiple states.
– *Validity:* 1-5 years.

Steps to Obtain an FSSAI License

Step 1: Determine the Type of License Required
Assess your business’s scale and annual turnover to determine whether you need a basic registration, state license, or central license.

Step 2: Gather the Required Documents
Prepare the necessary documentation, which typically includes:

– *Proof of Business Registration:* Partnership deed, certificate of incorporation, etc.
– *Photo ID and Address Proof:* For business owner(s) or directors.
– *List of Food Products:* Detailed list of the food items you intend to deliver.
– *Food Safety Management Plan:* A comprehensive plan outlining how food safety will be maintained.
– *Details of Food Safety Supervisors:* Information about trained personnel overseeing food safety.
– *Declaration Form:* Signed declaration of compliance with FSSAI standards.

Step 3: Apply Online
Visit the FSSAI website and fill out the online application form:
– *Form A:* For Basic Registration.
– *Form B:* For State and Central Licenses.

Upload the required documents and pay the applicable fee.

Step 4: Inspection and Verification
FSSAI officials may conduct an inspection of your business premises to verify compliance with food safety standards. Ensure your premises and operations meet all regulatory requirements.

Step 5: Approval and License Issuance
Once your application and premises are verified, you will receive your FSSAI license. Ensure to renew your license before it expires to maintain continuous compliance.

Additional Compliance Requirements

Regular Audits and Inspections
Conduct regular internal audits and be prepared for periodic inspections by FSSAI officials to ensure ongoing compliance.

Hygiene and Sanitation
Maintain high standards of hygiene and sanitation in all aspects of food handling, packaging, and delivery to prevent contamination and ensure food safety.

Training and Certification
Ensure that your staff receives regular training on food safety practices. Food safety supervisors should be certified as per FSSAI requirements.

Display of FSSAI License Number
Prominently display your FSSAI license number on your app, website, and marketing materials to assure customers of your compliance with food safety standards.

Benefits of Having an FSSAI License

Consumer Confidence
An FSSAI license reassures customers about the safety and quality of the food they are ordering, thereby enhancing their confidence in your service.

Business Opportunities
Having an FSSAI license opens up new business opportunities, including partnerships with reputed restaurants and expansion into new markets.

Competitive Advantage
A valid FSSAI license sets you apart from competitors who might not have one, positioning your app as a trustworthy and reliable food delivery service.

Risk Mitigation
Compliance with FSSAI regulations minimizes the risk of legal issues, fines, and business disruptions, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations.


Obtaining an FSSAI license is a crucial step for any food delivery app operating in India. It ensures compliance with legal requirements, enhances your business’s credibility, and builds consumer trust. By following the steps outlined above, you can secure the necessary licenses and operate your food delivery service effectively and efficiently. At Vyaapar Seva Kendra, we offer expert guidance and support to help you navigate the complexities of FSSAI licensing and compliance. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in establishing and maintaining a successful food delivery business.