Factors to Consider When Determining the Place of Supply for Goods

In the realm of Goods and Services Tax (GST), determining the place of supply is a critical aspect that governs the application of tax rates and compliance requirements. For goods, the place of supply plays a crucial role in ascertaining the jurisdiction under which the transaction falls. This blog explores the key factors businesses need to consider when determining the place of supply for goods, shedding light on the complexity of this aspect within the GST framework.

  1. Location of Supplier:
    GSTIN Jurisdiction: The location of the supplier’s Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) is a fundamental factor.
    Registered vs. Unregistered: The place where the supplier is registered for GST distinguishes the applicable tax rate and jurisdiction.
  2. Location of the Recipient:
    Registered Recipient: If the recipient is registered under GST, the place of supply is the location of the recipient’s address.
    Unregistered Recipient: For unregistered recipients, the place of supply is the location where the goods are actually delivered.
  3. Destination of Goods:
    Actual Delivery Location: The physical location where the goods are delivered to the recipient is a crucial factor.
    Transportation and Logistics: Consideration of the movement of goods and the final destination after transportation.
  4. Movement of Goods:
    Intra-State vs. Inter-State Movement: The movement of goods within the same state (intra-state) or between different states (inter-state) influences the place of supply.
    Billing Address: The place mentioned in the invoice or billing address can be indicative of the place of supply.
  5. Point of Title Transfer:
    Risk and Reward: The transfer of title, risks, and rewards associated with the goods is a significant determinant.
    Contractual Agreements: Agreements specifying the point at which ownership shifts from the supplier to the recipient.
  6. High-Sea Sales:
    High-Sea Sales Transactions: Special consideration for high-sea sales, where goods are sold while still in transit before reaching the destination.
    Customs Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of the customs office handling the importation of goods.
  7. Goods Movement for Approval:
    Goods Sent for Approval: If goods are sent on approval, the place of supply is the location of the recipient when the goods are accepted or rejected.
    Temporary Transfer: Determining whether it is a temporary movement or a permanent supply.
  8. Place of Installation or Assembly:
    Installation Services: For goods involving installation or assembly, the place where the installation or assembly is carried out is considered.
    Functional Completion: Consideration of when the goods become functional or complete.
  9. Cross-Border Transactions:
    Export and Import Procedures: For cross-border transactions, the place of supply is determined based on export and import procedures.
    Customs Clearance: The jurisdiction of customs clearance and the location of goods during clearance.


The determination of the place of supply for goods under the GST regime involves a comprehensive evaluation of multiple factors. Businesses must meticulously assess the specifics of each transaction, considering the locations of both the supplier and the recipient, the movement of goods, the transfer of title, and any special circumstances such as high-sea sales or goods sent for approval. A precise understanding of these factors is essential for accurate GST compliance, ensuring that the correct tax rates are applied and the appropriate jurisdiction is attributed to each transaction. As the GST landscape evolves, businesses must stay vigilant and informed to navigate the complexities of determining the place of supply for goods.