File a Complaint Against Toxic Food and FSSAI License Violations

Food safety is of paramount importance to protect consumers from the risks associated with consuming toxic or adulterated food products. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is responsible for regulating and supervising the safety and quality of food products in India. If you encounter any instances of toxic food or violations of FSSAI license regulations, it is essential to take appropriate action by filing a complaint. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of filing a complaint against toxic food and FSSAI license violations to ensure consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

Identifying Toxic Food and FSSAI License Violations:

Food Contamination: Look for signs of food contamination such as foul odor, unusual color, presence of foreign objects, or abnormal taste, which may indicate the presence of toxins, pathogens, or adulterants in the food product.

Expired or Damaged Products: Check for expiry dates, damaged packaging, or tampered seals on food products, as consuming expired or compromised products can pose health risks and violate FSSAI regulations.

Unhygienic Conditions: Observe the hygiene practices and sanitation standards followed by food establishments, including restaurants, eateries, food stalls, and manufacturing units, as poor hygiene can lead to foodborne illnesses and FSSAI license violations.

Steps to File a Complaint:
Gather Evidence: Collect relevant evidence to support your complaint, including photographs, videos, purchase receipts, packaging labels, and any other documentation that substantiates your claim of toxic food or FSSAI license violations.

Contact FSSAI: Visit the official website of FSSAI or contact their helpline to report the incident and file a complaint against the toxic food or FSSAI license violations. Provide detailed information about the food product, location of purchase, date of incident, and nature of the complaint.

Submit Complaint Form: Fill out the online complaint form provided by FSSAI, providing accurate details and attaching supporting evidence as required. Alternatively, you can submit a written complaint to the nearest FSSAI office or designated authority.

Follow-Up: Follow up on your complaint by monitoring its status and communicating with FSSAI officials or designated authorities responsible for investigating and addressing complaints related to food safety and FSSAI license violations.

Seek Legal Assistance: If your complaint is not addressed satisfactorily or if you encounter any legal hurdles, consider seeking legal assistance from consumer protection organizations, food safety advocates, or legal professionals specializing in food law.

Importance of Filing a Complaint:
Consumer Protection: Filing a complaint against toxic food or FSSAI license violations helps protect consumers from potential health hazards and ensures accountability among food businesses and regulatory authorities.

Regulatory Compliance: By reporting incidents of food contamination or FSSAI license violations, you contribute to enforcing regulatory compliance and maintaining the integrity of the food safety system.

Prevent Recurrence: Filing a complaint prompts corrective actions by food establishments and regulatory agencies to address underlying issues and prevent recurrence of similar incidents in the future.


Filing a complaint against toxic food and FSSAI license violations is crucial for safeguarding consumer health, ensuring regulatory compliance, and upholding food safety standards in India. By following the steps outlined in this guide and actively participating in the food safety regulatory process, consumers can play a vital role in promoting accountability and transparency in the food industry. Remember to stay vigilant, report any instances of food contamination or FSSAI license violations promptly, and contribute to building a safer and healthier food environment for all.