Is IEC the Same As a Trade License?

Welcome to Vyaapar Seva Kendra, your trusted partner for business registration and compliance solutions. In this blog, we will clarify the distinction between IEC (Import Export Code) and a trade license, as these are two distinct but essential authorizations for businesses engaged in international trade.

Understanding IEC (Import Export Code):
IEC, which stands for Import Export Code, is a 10-digit unique identification number issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), a government agency under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The primary purpose of an IEC is to enable businesses to engage in cross-border trade activities, both import and export.

Understanding Trade License:
A trade license is a local permit issued by the municipal corporation or a similar local authority that allows businesses to carry out their specific trade activities within a defined geographical jurisdiction. The trade license ensures that businesses adhere to local regulations and safety standards.

Key Differences Between IEC and Trade License:

  1. Purpose:
    IEC: IEC is exclusively for businesses involved in import and export activities. It facilitates international trade by providing legal recognition to the entity in the international market.

        Trade License: A trade license is specific to a particular location or locality and is focused on ensuring that a              business complies with local laws and safety standards. It does not grant permission for international trade.

  1. Issuing Authority:
    IEC: IEC is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, at the national level.

        Trade License: Trade licenses are issued by local authorities, such as municipal corporations or panchayats, at           the local or city level.

  1. Coverage:
    IEC: An IEC allows businesses to engage in cross-border trade activities, including importing and exporting goods and services.

        Trade License: A trade license pertains to local business operations and ensures that the business complies               with local laws, regulations, and safety standards.

  1. Geographical Scope:
    IEC: An IEC is not limited by geographical boundaries and is applicable for international trade activities, irrespective of location within India.

        Trade License: A trade license is location-specific and is required for businesses operating within a defined                 jurisdiction.

  1. Applicability:
    IEC: IEC is applicable to businesses involved in international trade, such as manufacturers, traders, exporters, and importers.

         Trade License: A trade license is applicable to various types of businesses, including shops, restaurants,                      factories, and other local establishments.

In summary, IEC and a trade license serve distinct purposes and are issued by different authorities for different aspects of business operations. While an IEC is essential for international trade, a trade license is necessary to operate a business locally and comply with local regulations and safety standards.

Vyaapar Seva Kendra is here to assist you in obtaining both IEC and trade licenses, ensuring that your business complies with all necessary regulations and operates smoothly. To learn more about our services, visit our website here.